Learn how easy it is to roll Backwoods Blunts & Joints with cannabis on Cannabasics #33. Save 10% in the RuffHouse Smoke Shop with the code: “CANNABASICS”: http://www.ruffhousestudios.com
You need about a gram and half of marijuana and a Backwoods cigar in the flavor of your choice to roll a Backwoods blunt.
Instructions for Backwoods Blunt:
1. Break apart cannabis.
2. Find seam of Backwoods cigar. Unroll from the seam, lick the seam if it helps, unroll and clean out tobacco.
3. Prep the cleaned wrap by trimming the uneven edges if you must or finding the correct angle to get a straight roll that tapers slightly narrower from the mouth tip end.
4. Load your cannabis into the wrap evenly across the base line of your roll.
5. Tuck and roll from the narrow end to the larger end and continue to tuck and roll.
6. Lick and seal the edges starting from the bottom.
7. Stuff and fill the big end and seam up all the edge.
8. Optionally trim the mouth tip even.
9. Let it dry, light and smoke!
Instructions for Backwoods Joint:
1. Break apart cannabis.
2. Find seam of Backwoods cigar. Unroll from the seam, lick the seam if it helps, unroll and clean out tobacco.
3. Find the correct angle to get a straight swath of tobacco leaf and trim each short end to square up the side..
4. Load your cannabis into the wrap evenly across the base line of your roll.
5. Tuck and roll from the middle of joint and outward, continue to tuck and roll.
6. Lick and seal the edges as you complete the complete the roll.
7. Clean up the ends if needed and seam up the edges.
8. Optionally trim the mouth tip even.
9. Let it dry, light and smoke!