Howdy friends, welcome back for another hitter with your boy heavy dayze, coming at you from the upside down library. On this episode today we have the man ‘Two’, from the Seed Kompany here to talk all things CBD, Charlotte’s Web, Current breedings with the Dirty Taxi and so much more. We are grateful for two’s time and think you should check out his work!
Be sure to check out Two’s Instagram at and grab his seeds from the one and only Seeds Here Now, NOW!
Seeds Here Now – Best in the business if your USA based, head on over now to – to score your seeds today!
Pulse Sensors – Pulse sensors ensure your garden is optimized and producing the best crop to date. Through careful monitoring and easy to understand display of temperature, humidity, VPD, PAR and more, you can ensure no invisible parameters are holding you back. Get serious, get pulse –
Koppert Biological Systems – Check out Koppert Biological Systems, they are based all over the place and have amazing beneficial predators that will help keep your gardens pests under control. They also stock a great range of microbial products designed to fight off those nasty soil borne diseases and more!
Finally, our patreon fans ( is the major lifeblood of the show and it COULDN’T happen without them. please consider subscribing!
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Ill see ya for the next episode!