It can feel so shameful, and so difficult to accept. Once we do, we have the opportunity to change. I speak from personal and professional experience. I lived with addiction and mental illness for 17+ years before entering recovery and healing.
Addiction is a horrible illness. I hope you find this helpful, there are no shortcuts, but there are many solutions!!!
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Why it’s so hard to accept you’re addicted to weed.
This is pathetic. I’m a joke. What’s wrong with me? Those are some things you may say. Other things you might say are wow. One day I’ll be able to use it like all those normal people one day. I’ll be different. Chances are if you’re saying that to yourself you’re you are already in the grips of the addiction you are ensnared in the insidious grip of marijuana. You are living in denial. Don’t even notice. I am lying. I feel for you. I have been there. It’s torture.
So hopefully if you’re on this journey. If you’re watching this video you care or you are aware of the fact that something in your life needs to change. And that cannabis is probably that thing. It’s so hard to. It’s hard to see why it is such a problem for us. It’s not like we’re drunk and driving and crashing cars. We’re not beating people up.
We’re not getting arrested. Being in public, all these other things so it’s so easy to just point on all those other worse addicts and say, oh, I’m not like that. I’m OK I don’t have a problem.
Which compounds that sense of shame and pathetic-ness that I have somehow succumbed to the trap. Of marijuana and why am I so pathetic not deserving of the like other addicts are deserving of help but me.
No, it’s just weed. I’m such a loser that. I should be able to figure. This out on my own. If we take the. The sort of. Definition of addiction that I like most from Doctor Gabor mate. It generally goes like this. We have internal pain, trauma, discomfort, fear, worry, whatever it is. We don’t know how to deal with that. So, then we reach for substances or behavioral addictions like sex or eating. That brings us temporary relief from that pain.
But it obviously doesn’t last, so once that goes away, we’re back with the pain back with the trauma and we continue with that behavior regardless of the negative consequences of our actions. We can’t stop. On our own. If that is at all your case, chances are you are in the grips of weed addiction. Although that sucks.
To be in any situation like that at the same time, it’s OK. There is an answer. There is a solution. And hopefully, if you’ve watched any of my other videos about. Feed you got some insight there? I’m going to keep building. It’s been five years since I’ve made videos on weed, cause I went back to school, became a psychotherapist and now I try to help people in every possible way I can as a therapist.
As someone who is in recovery or is in long-term recovery from addiction, anything I can do to help? I will do that if you’ve made it this far. You’re open to the idea of smashing this illusion that you can control what you’re using or that being a weed addict is not a big deal.
We really have to pick this apart and see it for the that it is. A lot of people again hold on to this idea. Maybe one day I can smoke a joint like a normal person, but that is your illness. Lying to you trying to keep you sick, trying to keep you in the grips of addiction. So if we can smash the denial.
We may be able to squeeze a tiny little bit of self-compassion out of that. Maybe a tiny bit of forgiveness. Towards ourselves and then. The next step is that you have to ask for help. You cannot do this alone. Human beings are tribal communal animals.
We need each other. Johann Hari says the opposite of addiction is connection. Now that in some sense is true. It’s not an encompassing definition, but it’s a good one and it’s a good reminder here that you can’t do this alone. You need help and you need to ask for help.
There are lots of places to go. 12-step groups. There are treatment centers, there are therapists, there could be trusted friends, family members, whoever it is. You can’t do it alone. You need to ask for help if you want to send me a message right in the comments here. If you think we can be helpful or I can be helpful, please get in touch with us and let us know and we’ll go from there.
#weedaddiction #mentalhealth #addictionrecovery #startswithme