Hey everyone! Today I am doing a product review for the March Cannabox donated by Angie Lupuslife
Cannabox (http://www.cannabox.com/)
Angie Lupuslife (https://www.youtube.com/user/LupusLife)
Hey this is Jay the Cannabis Explorer and I am a legal Medical Cannabis patient in the state of California. This is an 18+ Channel for anyone interested about cannabis and everything about it.
My Google and Youtube channels will let everyone follow along with my medical grow with High CBD plants like Harle-Tsu (Harlequin x Sour Tsunami) and AC/DC used for juicing and flowering.
If you’re a medical card holder in the state of California and would like the strain of high CBD I grow then go to Southern Humboldt Seed Colective http://www.kingofcbdgenetics.com/drupal1/node/13#!sohum-seed-genetics/cee5
Poetry In Metal (https://www.facebook.com/poetryinmetal)
Mobius Glassworks (http://aqualabtechnologies.com/scientific-glass/mobius-glassworks-clear-nano-with-matrix-perc.html)
If all you prefer is pictures you can follow along on google here https://plus.google.com/u/0/+JJonesCannabisExplorer/posts