Hey friends! Come explore our summer raised bed garden to see what we currently have growing – including our favorite flower and vegetable varieties. I’m also excited to share a few fun updates we’ve made to other parts of the homestead layout, including a new cane berry patch, chicken run expansion, and beautiful new pollinator orchard. I’ll share plenty of fun tidbits, tips, and garden inspo along the way, plus a little sprinkle of bird nerd action!
Thank you so much for wandering around with me today!
Summer ’23 garden blogpost with photos, more details and links: https://homesteadandchill.com/summer-garden-homestead-tour-2023/
Our Favorite Organic Seed Company: https://shareasale.com/r.cfm?b=1849618&u=2174897&m=115344&urllink=&afftrack=
Birdies Metal Raised Bed Kits (save 5% with code ‘deannacat3’): https://lets.growepic.co/deannacat3
The Best DIY Tomato Trellis Tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KzdnHC3_3y8&t=29s
Our healing chamomile-calendula face oil, calendula salve, lavender salve, and other organic homemade garden-to-body products: https://homesteadandchill.com/shop/
How to Build Durable Wood Raised Garden Beds (video): https://youtu.be/v0YkkovCWNI
Simple DIY Raised Bed Drip Irrigation to Hose Bibb or Faucet (video): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sRyEgn5A1io&t=32s
Zucchini Recipes (including sourdough zucchini bread): https://homesteadandchill.com/?s=zucchini
7 Easy Annual Companion Flowers to Grow From Seed: https://homesteadandchill.com/easy-annual-companion-flowers/
Companion Planting 101 (with printable companion planting chart): https://homesteadandchill.com/benefits-companion-planting-chart/
28 Best Winter Squash and Pumpkin Varieties to Grow: https://homesteadandchill.com/best-pumpkin-winter-squash-varieties/
How to Create a Bird-Friendly Yard (our favorite feeders, baths, bird houses): https://homesteadandchill.com/attract-birds-garden/
Our freezer-friendly “Besto Pesto” recipe: https://homesteadandchill.com/besto-pesto-recipe/
List of everything we’re growing this year (including links to all seed varieties shown here): https://homesteadandchill.com/2023-spring-summer-garden-grow-list/
New Pollinator Orchard on a Hill Transformation: https://youtu.be/2ZJK8b1ND5o
Moongate Arch Trellis shown in new orchard: https://click.linksynergy.com/deeplink?id=HU0DrRmxoT8&mid=982&murl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.gardeners.com%2Fbuy%2Fgracie-modern-arbor-large%2F8600516.html%3FVariationId%3DV_5637191958
Gardeners Supply A-frame Trellis (used for cucumbers, melons and squash): https://click.linksynergy.com/deeplink?id=HU0DrRmxoT8&mid=982&murl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.gardeners.com%2Fbuy%2Fdeluxe-cucumber-trellis%2F8587083.html
How to Grow Artichokes from Seed to Table: https://homesteadandchill.com/how-to-grow-artichokes-complete-guide/
Raised Bed Drip Irrigation System with Drip Tape Tutorial (video): https://youtu.be/re-5rEFd59c
Please see our our website for even more garden and modern homesteading tutorials, recipes and more: https://homesteadandchill.com/
Follow on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/deannacat3/