At times, Dan Jensen feels like he’s caught between two worlds.
One world is on display in his corner office, where he hangs artifacts from his career — his old career, back when he could barely sleep more than an hour or two before the nightmares jolted him awake. There are a few shields from his old firefighter helmets in Pine Beach and Seaside Heights, along with a few award plaques and older, turn-of-the-century firefighting antiques.
But on an adjacent green, eye-catching wall is his new world. There’s an old propaganda poster, from the “reefer madness” era, that describes marijuana as “a vicious racket with its arms around your children” and portrays it as a green, devil-like figure wooing a woman with a joint dangling from her lips.
Jensen is in the middle of it all, trying to help the people from one half of his life realize the benefits of the other.
“How many guys who get on (fire) trucks have drinking problems or opioid disorders, who pop pills for back pain?,” he said. “If you’re off-duty and want to get the benefits from a plant, you should be allowed to.”
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