Did you know hemp can make all of these things? Morris Beegle, co-founder of the Colorado Hemp Company, breaks it down.
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Morris Beegle: ‘In 2012, my partner Elizabeth and I launched Colorado Hemp Company to focus on the industrial, nutritional, therapeutic, and environmental applications and benefits of hemp. Soon after, we launched an umbrella company called WAFBA— We Are For Better Alternatives— a family of brands based on the non-intoxicating side of cannabis. Hemp is Cannabis, Marijuana is Cannabis, but Hemp is not Marijuana…and, hemp is federally legal.
Hemp is a superfood, a super fiber, a super nutrient, and a super ingredient (for thousands and thousands of products). Hemp is a super plant. As an affordable, renewable resource, hemp can help our local communities, our country, our personal health, our planetary health, and even our furry little pets and livestock. Hemp as a crop can help small, medium, and large farms by providing lower input costs and higher dollar returns per acre. Hemp can be grown organically and regeneratively without the use of petrochemical fertilizers and toxic herbicides used often in agriculture today. Hemp is projected to create tens of thousands of jobs across multiple sectors of industry in the United States and across the globe.
Hemp seeds and hemp seed oil are rich in omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids, and one of the best sources for plant-based protein and amino acids. Hemp-derived CBD and other cannabinoid products for both ingestibles and topicals have successfully assisted with conditions like pain, anxiety, sleep, depression, heart health, skin health, brain health, and even certain types of epilepsy.
Hemp stalks, which include bast fiber, the outer material of the hemp stalk, is one of the strongest and most durable of all natural fibers. Hemp can be used to make textile products, including clothing, carpeting, and upholstery. Hemp fiber can be used in nanotechnology materials for supercapacitors that show promise in outperforming graphene, at a fraction of the price.
Hemp hurd, the inner woody core of the hemp stalk, can be used for building materials. It can produce carbon-neutral to carbon-negative homes, depending on binder and finish recipes. Bioplastics, composites, paper, inks, paints, adhesives, fillers, and a myriad of other industrial products can be made using hemp stalks instead of petroleum and wood based competitors. Even better: using hemp reduces the carbon footprint of these industries.
Why should you care about all this? We have environmental and climate change crises, right here, right now, period.
The late Jack Herer, author of The Emperor Wears No Clothes, inspired millions of hemp and cannabis advocates like myself over the last 30 years to stand up and speak the truth about the benefits of this plant.
Jack said, “Growing hemp as nature designed it is vital to our urgent need to reduce greenhouse gases and ensure the survival of our planet.”
Investigative journalist, hemp farmer, and author of Hemp Bound, Doug Fine adds to this by saying, “In the midst of a climate crisis, an opioid crisis, an obesity crisis and a plastic waste crisis, the hemp renaissance is emerging to lead the way to a solution. This time around, the farmers are in charge.”
So, how can you get involved?
Let your political representatives know you support hemp, that you support cannabis, and that everybody should be able to participate, not just a selected few. Let Facebook, Instagram, and social media sites that censor hemp companies and their advertising know that what they are doing is discriminatory and wrong. Complain, loudly. Hemp is legal and should be promoted through available channels — including Facebook!
Educate yourself through networking, events, and social functions created to better understand hemp’s applications and benefits. And remember, one of the best ways to make a difference is to vote with your wallet.’
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