Embarking on a picturesque journey through Umkomaas along the Kwazulu-Natal South Coast, we were greeted by the captivating sight of the town’s prominent golf course, its verdant splendour dotting the landscape throughout our drive. As we meandered through the town, the golf course seemed to weave itself into the very fabric of the surroundings, a recurring motif of natural elegance. The highlight of our expedition was the awe-inspiring sight of the impressive mill nestled proudly on the banks of the meandering Umkomaas river. An exhilarating surprise awaited us as we traversed the vintage steel girded bridge, situated in close proximity to the mill. This journey offered a true delight, admiring the river of whales and leaving us with a sense of tranquility amidst its exquisite beauty. #DustBugs #adventuretravel #southafrica #southafricavlog #travelongravel #kwazulunatal #umkomaas