We speak to Atira Tan, an integration specialist, about her somatic plant medicine integration model, her views on integration, and why integration and support along the way is a crucial process for transformation.
She shares her views on integration and how it is often misunderstood as just a series of practices or activities after a plant medicine ceremony and that integration is a sacred process of transformation that ultimately involves embodying the insights and learnings from the plant medicine experience into everyday life.
Atira also discusses the pitfalls of not doing integration properly, including the lack of support and the risk of exacerbating trauma imprints.
Learn more about her well reviewed and respected integration coaching program, the Plant Medicine Somatic Integration Program, starting September 29th 2023:
Use the code ‘Nectara’ for a $50 discount!
– Integration as a sacred process
– The nervous system and the body as guides
– Misunderstandings about integration
– Importance of finding the right layers of support
– Pitfalls of not doing integration properly
– Measuring change in behaviors and actions
– Making integration a joyful and creative process
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