Hello and welcome to my channel Getting Cooked In The Kitchen. This is a channel that will take you through the world of cannabis and how to use it holistically to better your life. My name is Riana and I am a veteran consumer and have been studying this magical plant for well over 15 years. I am currently completing my certification in the cannabis industry from Berkshire Community College in Pittsfield Mass. And I’ve read more books than I care to mention on the topic of cannabis as well as completed quite a few research papers. Thank you for welcoming me into your home and into your life and allowing me an opportunity to help educate you on this plant that I love so dearly.
How To Make Canna Oil
Mason Jar with Lid
Cheese Cloth
1 Cup Cannabis
1 Cup Olive Oil
1. Grind Cannabis and put in the jar with lid on – place in oven at 250F for 30 minutes – burp jar if needed
2. Remove Jar from Oven and let cool completely – before opening
3. Fill Crock pot halfway with water
4. Fill Cannabis jar with oil and mix – put the lid back on
5. Place jar in crock pot for 5 hours – open jar once an hour to release pressure
6. Strain thru cheesecloth and enjoy!
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As always if you have any questions you can hit me up in a few ways: https://www.facebook.com/riana.piccirillo https://www.instagram.com/getting_cooked_in_the_kitchen/ Email: GettingCookedInTheKitchen@gmail.com
As always, standard disclosures apply
Our Disclaimer: We are not doctors, lawyers, nutritionists, pharmacists, etc. This website, blog and all its contents are for informational purposes only and contain only the opinions of the author. We make no claims as to it’s accuracy. Please consult a doctor before making any changes to your health.