Anything cooked in a tandoor is called tandoori. Tandoor is old days oven but is still used for cooking naan, other flatbreads, tea, and meats. Tandoor is a cylindrical clay oven that has a fire burning at the base of it or high heating in it. Traditionally charcoal or wood coal is added inside it which is used for the fuel.
The tea that is made using this clay pot or pot is called tandoori tea. Usually, tandoori bread or other tandoori recipes are made by heating left in the clay oven.
But in the case of making tandoori tea, instead of keeping tea in the oven, poured the tea in a hot tandoori or clay teapot. This creates a special flavor, which is typical of tandoori tea. And because of this special flavor, this tandoori tea is a very popular drink in South Asian countries, such as India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Myanmar, Nepal, and Bhutan.