Welcome to Living in the Weeds, a series that explores the experiences of #neurodivergent people who consume #cannabis.
In today’s episode, Lucy and Jessica talk to Dr. Miyabe Shields (@miyabephd ) a scientist with a Ph.D. in endocannabinoid pharmacology who describes themself as a “queer neurodivergent scientist.”
Miyabe takes a deep dive into SO many great points, including:
– Their neurodivergent journey and how cannabis helps them “mechanistically and molecularly” more than pharmaceuticals
– Moving outside of the academic research realm and creating a neurodivergent stoner community
– Why lived experiences have as much clinical value as scientific research
– The benefits of CBG and how it falls between the effects of CBD and THC
– Creating a reproducible experience with cannabis by tracking their consumption and getting granular with the cannabinoid blend, terpenes, dosing, and timing during the day
– Why smoking is the best administration form for them and how edibles fit the “gold standard” of orally administered medicines
– The importance for neurodivergent people to track their symptoms from consuming cannabis and the elevated risk of over-consuming
Miyabe’s Cannabis Community: https://projectchronic.com/
Ready to start tracking your cannabis consumption? Grab one of Lucy’s Tracking Journals here and save 10% off at checkout with code CANNABISWRITER: https://lucysnaturalremedies.com/product-category/journals/
Stay in touch:
– https://www.instagram.com/canna_writer/
– https://www.instagram.com/lucysnaturalremedies/
#cannabisheals #cannabismedicine #plantmedicines #neurodivergent #neurodiversity