What’s in a name? Join Extension Master Gardeners Rebecca Secula and Evin Morrison as they discuss just that. A rose by any other name might smell as sweet, but knowing and understanding the scientific nomenclature of your favorite plants is not only interesting, but a necessary tool in your garden toolkit. Follow along as they discuss the difference between common and scientific names, where plant names come from, and just how much you can glean from the name of a plant alone.
And when you start to think, “it’s all Greek, to me”, enjoy a few Greek myths that have given their names to some of our favorite fall-planted bulbs. Hyacinths, crocus and daffodils have a little more in common than you might have once thought. By the end of this session, you’ll be ready to jump start your fall and spring plantings with plenty of planting tips, growing information and a better appreciation for how much really goes into a name.