00:00:00 Controversial cannabis use in Ireland The story of Patrick Moore’s day in Court
00:05:00 Experience with wife who was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease.
00:10:00 Beginnings with RSO method, society should reconsider the current approach to cannabis.
00:15:00 History of prohibition of cannabis and how it has been demonized as a dangerous drug..
00:20:00 Glamourisation of Ireland’s drug gangs,
00:25:00 Sitting with the plants and set their intention for healing and cultivating them with love and compassion.
00:30:00. Criminalizing the populace is a dangerous and control-oriented tactic.
00:35:00 Moore shares success stories of patients who have used medical cannabis
00:40:00 Gateway drug for people struggling with addiction, to help them break free from their addictions.
00:45:00 Negative effects of the society’s fear-based mentality.
00:50:00 The powerful connection between the mind and body and need for everyone to learn how to meditate
00:55:00 Evidence-based policies are not always followed in a court of law
01:00:00 Impact of the drug gangs and their involvement in the illicit drug trade
01:05:00 Difficulty in accessing healthy food and the importance of supporting Patrick and Ali’s family-owned businesses like Green Gourm Ireland in Abbeyfeal
01:10:00 Being on parole and the process of being allowed out of jail for a short time. He describes Shelton Abbey he is in as great, with helpful staff and open spaces. Moore expresses gratitude for the support he has received and encourages others to take action in finding solutions.
There have been some disgusting manifestations of ‘Prohibition Irish Style’ over the years but in December 2022 Irish justice truly reached a new low with the jailing of Patrick Moore, disgusted by the case Irish Canna Clinic launched the #FreePatrickMooreNOW hashtag immediately and we have been marking each significant date along his sentence.
If you look back on this channel you will see the clip of his 200th day when I spoke with long term friend of Patrick’s, Peter Reynolds who was in the court on that day of judgement on December 2nd removing him from his young family’s Xmas dinner table!
The injustice still enrages and he is a worthy cause celebre for all our activism!
We were so happy that he was at least removed earlier this year to an Open Prison in Shelton Abbey where he immediately became a valued inmate organising meditation groups and working in the gardens! It was wonderful to hear that he was going to have some chance to spend time again with his young family.
Despite his incredible outlook in the face of adversity it is still a most regrettable call marking 350 days
Yet this sadly continues every day in courts across Europe and none more vociferously than in Ireland who refuses to recognise any of the value that cannabis could bring to the country!
This humble Limerick farmer, who through his own lived experience via the Crohns Disease of his wife, learned the skills to grow and extract oils that brought her so much relief. Coming from the most beautiful place driven by the massive heart of a caregiver via a local Healing group more very needy people came to him for his oils. We are talking a range of conditions from kids with cancer, to Palliative Care situations and one remarkable Huntingdon Disease who regained the power of speech and was able to testify for Patrick in his court case!!
Still they gave him 5 years!!
You can read the full story written by Peter Reynolds on our web which will also contain the CountUp clock until this man is released. ICC will continue to advocate strongly until he is officially released.
Ireland are missing an opportunity in not regulating Cannabis properly and after the recent sham that was the Citizen’s Assembly we can see that there will be very little change anytime soon!
For now Patrick’s partner Ali runs an award winning cafe ‘GOURMET GREEN’ in Abbeyfeale in Limerick serving only the very finest natural food, wonderful daily fresh menus.
So if you are in that part of the world we implore you to do your body a favour and share a little bit of the love that oozes from this family!
I suggest you pour yourself your favourite tea and sit back and enjoy the calming words of this genuine modern day healer!
Patrick and Ali’s Award Winning business Gourmet Green Ireland
Main Street Abbeyfeale, Abbeyfeale, Ireland
+353 89 246 1227
Irish Canna Clinic – On Social Media
TIKTOK: @irishcanna