If you’re looking for a complete guide and step by step process into making one of the most addicting snack sticks then this is the one for you. this has such a delicious flavour its family friendly as well. you can easily modify this recipe for a full heat flavour as well. Bet you can’t just have one of these meat sausage crack sticks. Enjoy
⏰ Timestamps ⏰
00:00 start
00:07 intro
00:29 grinding plates
01:04 Grinding Meat
04:13 spices
05:30 Curing salts/Mixing
07:52 Stuffing
08:50 Smoking Process
09:44 smoking tube
11:44 cooking process final stage
13:11 Next day taste test
16:11 Cut to length and package
17:32 Overall review
Ingredients 50% Beef 50% Pork
Kosher salt 15g/kg
cure 1(6.25% sodium nitrite) 2.496g/kg
Brown sugar 3g/kg
Black Pepper 2g/kg. for spicy hot add 4g/kg
Smoked Paprika 3g/kg
Garlic Powder 2g/kg
Anise Seeds 1g/kg
Fennel Seeds 1g/kg
Cayenne Pepper 2g/kg for spicy hot add 5g/kg
Chili Flakes 1g/kg for spicy hot add 2g/kg
Soy Protein Binder 10g/kg
Sodium Erythorbate .5g/kg
Ice Water 125g/kg add more if necessary
Process: Debone pork shoulder/butt, 50% beef and 50% Pork used grind meat I like to use is 10mm (3/8) grinding plate . When grinding, it’s important that the meat is chilled. Add spices use ice cold water when mixing). when you’re done mixing the meat it should feel tacky very sticky and should stay on your hands at this point, Check your meat temperature at all times and in between grinds or mixing.i like to have the temperature around -1–2c or 30-36F.At this point I fill the stuffer and begin to stuff the casings.( Casings used 21mm Mahogany collagen casings). Make full links and refrigerate over night or use a cure accelerator and start smoking same day.
for smoking set smoker to 110-120f and let snack sticks air dry for an hour. increase temp to 120-130f and apply smoke. every hour increase temperature 10 degrees until 160f. smoke 2-5 hours your choice.after remove smoke and increase temperature to 180f and cook until internal temperature reaches 160f. give it an ice bath and store in a cool place to bloom over night. cut lengths to size and freeze and then vacuum seal for when you want to have them
Hope you enjoyed watching.
Equipment used was a 1.5hp LEM Big Bite (#32) meat grinder, 10mm grinding plate 4.5mm grinding plate ,15 lbs vertical sausage stuffer , vacuum sealer,
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