Welcome to Episode 14 of the The Flying Sage Podcast!
In this episode we will be providing a clip from another one of our recent Expansion Seminars.
For this unique event, we hosted four panelists to discuss how psychedelics can be used to enhance performance; specifically in the domains of athletics and entrepreneurship. Our guests included Lion Carew, Dana Harvey, Liz Gleadle and Ioan Popov. Each of these fascinating individuals share their stories about how they have utilized psychedelics, not only for healing, but also for performance and personal development.
This podcast episode only contains the second half of this seminar.
We hope you enjoy this conversation as much as we did!
Connect with The Flying Sage:
Connect with the Panelists:
Brian: https://www.carewmovement.com/
Dana: https://theflourishacademy.org/
Liz: https://www.lizgleadle.com/
Ioan: https://www.optimability.com/why-us
This episode was hosted by Michael Oliver and edited by Usama. Music by [Robin Healy, Altruand Gohj-Ji