What is the long medicinal history of cannabis in pregnancy and breastfeeding? What does the science say? Laurel Wilson, a 20 year veteran childbirth educator and lactation consultant, says the real “risk” is not supporting breastfeeding for informed mothers who choose “natural medicines.”
Laurel Wilson, IBCLC, CLE, CCCE, CLD, the author of The Greatest Pregnancy Ever and founder of MotherJourney, shares the history of cannabis use in pregnancy and breastfeeding as well as the known science and the current research. She outlines the issues surrounding mothers who are making a choice to use a “more natural” substance for health issues. Wilson lives in Colorado where the issues around pregnancy and breastfeeding are being actively explored by informed mothers and physicians.
Wilson is the author of The Greatest Pregnancy Ever: Keys to the Mother/Baby Bond and The Attachment Pregnancy: The Ultimate Guide to Bonding with Your Baby. She is the former director of lactation programs at the world’s largest childbirth educator organization, CAPPA.
Kindred caught up with Wilson at the More Than Latch Conference in Portsmouth, VA, in February 2017.
Thanks to Keith Reagan Film for the footage, www.keithreagan.com.
See this video on Kindred here: http://kindredmedia.org/2017/05/cannabis-pregnancy-breastfeeding/
See more on pregnancy, breastfeeding and the New Story of Childhood, Parenthood and the Human Family at www.KindredMedia.org.