#chuckecheese #grandtheftauto #siriusxm #brooklynnprice #tamarbraxton #edibles #hottopics #newssector #weareontour
hey hey good morning everybody I know this is not the time that you usually see me but I’m trying to grow the channel because I do believe that this channel has great content great energy but most of all it has a soul that I don’t think’s been on YouTube been quite a long time so trying something new so yes we are live in the morning.
So Chuck e cheese has been around for a very long time but will it stay around well that’s the question we’ll talk about that for sure I have some thoughts. Now I love video games as much as the next person but guess what there are consequences for what you do we’ll talk about it. Sirius XM you have so much great content why you got to be like this with people we’ll talk about it.
Brooklynn Price you did your thing and that movie if y’all don’t remember the movie trust me when you hear what the movie is y’all are going to flip out but Mom’s going to give you my take as well we’ll talk about it. Tamar Braxton this is not Braxton Family value not here, not there, not anywhere a Braxton you are we’ll talk about it. Finally history is being made everyday when you guys hear what this history is you guys are going to be here for all that and more this morning at 11:00 a.m.