I teach you how to mind so it’s easier to care about yourself, your partner, your pets, your family and friends and community you live in.
WE will talk about yoga but more importantly what comes after you do your asanas.
and how to take what you learn on your mat and in to real life because yoga is a more than an exercise it is a philosophy.
Episode 2 notes:
Human checkin
How are you as a human?
Yoga check in Day #334 = 10 = 1
Have you done yoga today? Why not?
9 ways to regulate your nervous system.
Tarot Pull for the listeners
Podcast main : topic Make everything a ritual
Playing with numerology
Google questions : Lunar Phase: what lunar phase are we in gemini?
Lunar Phase
The Moon’s current phase for today and tonight is a Waxing Crescent Phase.
To keep stress from going into your shoulders, arms or hands, think “my limbs are long and supple, ” sending your breath there to create more space. Then, feeling loose and free, join with the day’s ping pong of energy and discover a new life direction. Listen for a sudden inspiration where you’ve been stuck. On a Gemini moon long ago a sailor found himself in high winds and choppy water, his boat tossing like a toy. The day’s turbulence called forth his fear and his faith. Zeus sent his Gemini sons, Castor and Pollux to help. They flashed twin beams of light, directing the sailor to safety. You never know when help will come. Faith is most precious when there’s no reason for it, when it’s just an idea you send into the turbulent air. Watch the sky for signs.
More Gemini Strategiesby Simone Butler
When Luna flies through Gemini, it feels like time is moving faster than usual. Expect a greater number of phone calls, emails and requests you must respond to. Although you may feel a bit scattered, your brain will be firing on all cylinders and you can get a lot done in a short amount of time. Just remember to set aside downtime – this busy Moon can easily wear you out! Watch for brilliant ideas from out of the blue. For more lunar wisdom, see Simone’s book, Moon Power: Lunar Rituals for Connecting with your Inner Goddess.
Podcast main : topic Make everything a ritual
Playing with numerology
3 daily Rituals
Meditation, yoga
Brushing teeth,
Making coffee with mantras
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Like, review, share, comment , book 1 on 1 session with me @ doyogadyou.com
Email me: traci@doyogadoyou.com