I just got some STS reversal spray for making (feminized) seeds…
More details 👇
Product 1: 35 doll hairs
Silver Thiosulfate Spray Kit (STS reversal spray) from Cannabinology
note: Came with a pump sprayer
Product 2: 75 doll hairs
Colloidal Silver & Silver Thiosulfate 2 part kit from Omega Genetix
Note: came with 2 packs of seeds (3 of each), and a single CBD gummy bear.
Seed pack 1: Toe Jam from Omega Genetix (original skunk x green crack x Columbian) 8-9 weeks, regular seeds, 22% THC, quantity 3
Seed pack 2: Aquawoman x Cherry BD from Omega Genetix (certified CBD seeds) 100 days, regular seeds, 0.3% THC, 16.4% CBD, 0.3% CBG, 0.98% CBC, quantity 3
I will be using these (separately not together) later this year to make feminized pollen for feminized seeds… I will of course be learning and sharing the experience through videos and pictures so that you can learn with me.
Much love ✌️
Reminder / disclaimer ⚠️ NFSOT (not for sale or trade) ⚠️ MEDICAL GARDEN ⚕️
The pictures or video in this post are taken by me and the plants are grown by me in a legal state while maintaining a medical recommendation (MMJ patient since 2000, with an OCBC member number under 4000, and a 99 plant growers certificate ). I am posting the pictures as art and for educational purposes. More info & resources at LURK24 dot com