Shawnna, in her own words:
“Owner/ Operator- The Baked Gallery of VT, P.H.A.R.A.O.H. Project WorldWide (NFP), The Cannabis Matrix (server)
Jericho VT
The combined goal of my 3 businesses is fairly simple, to educate humanity about the plant medicine that was around since before any of us were.
Seeds to solutions, I support anyone who is helping people in this world, if that’s one person at a time or hundreds of thousands. The seed is a symbol of hope in all cultures. I feel that’s multifaceted, not only does it hold unlimited possibilities but what can happen from 1 solitary seed is fundamentally limitless.
Self-taught cannabis consultant, plant medicine practitioner, Sunday school teacher, baker extraordinaire
I enjoy cooking, gardening, learning, reading lab reports (no joke), research, quiet time, religion, meditation, manifestation, 1 on 1 discussions, art, animals, music, etc. I enjoy just about everything but heights.”