Getting ready for bed and my ankleis killing me so im going to put some Topical Balm on it! Topical Balm choice is the 1:20 (THC BASED) Relax Formula with a 10 minute on set and lasts 4hrs. Goodnight Canna Fam and I love your faces! Hey Stoner! This is your reminder go smoke if you have done so. Things can only get better! If you cant smoke have an edible, use a Tincture, use a Topical or a patch!💚🔥💨
Topical Balm:
Dr. May Organics
Simple. Clean. Cannabis
1:20 CBD:THC
Relax Formula
Per container:
THC: 100mg
CBD: 5mg
TOTAL: 105mg
Per dose: 2mg
15 minute on set time
Last 4 hours
#topicalbalm #drmayorganics #womanowned #womanownedbusiness #simplecleancannabis #relaxformula
#cbd #thc #fastonsettime #painrelief #painreliefbestie #Unscented