before we dig in with Raeven, we have a mini discussion about cyberbullying, especially as it is occurring at the middle school Rebekah’s community. Finally, Raeven starts with Mugwort, Artemisia Vulgaris. She tells us about the parts used and the other names she is known by. we learn of Mugwort’s connection to Artemis and its connection to women and witches as the “mother of herbs”. It for sure is connected to shamans as it is so tied to dreamwork. We then had an incredible and reoccurring discussion of the cooption of pagan holidays and herbs by Christians, specifically on Midsummer by St. John’s Day and all the associating herbs and lor. Mugwort is now called St. John’s Girdle…really? After we rant about it for a moment, we get bac to the germanic and Anglo Saxon lore as well as its cultural import to Russia. Raeven tells us about the medicinal and magickal qualities of Mugwort. We then have a mini interlude about some of the dangers of Cannabis and AI. Raeven then moves us forward to Blue Lotus, Nymphaea nouchali (caerulea). We hear about the parts used, its folk names and get cooking on its Egyptian lore and its connection to Homer’s Odyssey. Catch us for pt. 4