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Vaporizing cannabis flower is a requirement for senior living. Cells located in our major organs have CANNABINIOD RECEPTORS on their surface. When cannabis flower is vaporized, a multitude of cannabinoids are absorbed into these cannabinoid receptors and the result is that the cells becomes more healthy and protected. These cells and the human body will now function better. Vaporizing cannabis flower is the preferred method because the LOW TEMPERATURE of the oven will enable absorption of almost 98% of the essential cannabinoids that are destroyed by the heat of the flame (2k+ degrees) when cannabis is smoked. Smoking cannabis burns off up to 98% of the essential cannabinoids and also creates inflammation and weakening of the immune system.
Anti depression, mood enhancement, and improved overall joy and enthusiasm for life.
Pain relief. Most aches and pains associated with aging are greatly eased and most of the time eliminated
Appetite boost. Taste buds are rejuvenated and restored. Overall eating habits become regulated.
Eyesight improvement. Reduction and/or elimination of glaucoma.
Braincell regeneration/improved cognition. Vaporizing cannabis enables optimal braincell cannabinoid absorption creating neurogenesis and protection against dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease.
Improved sexual function and desire.
Improved sleep and reduction of stress and anxiety.
Reduced inflammation and more energy to live a full life.
Fewer toxic prescription medications and in some really inspiring cases, prescription meds are completely replaced with cannabis.