In today’s episode, we’ll dive into the murky waters of addiction. Is drug and alcohol dependence merely a physical affliction, or is there a spiritual vacuum that perpetuates it? How does Jeff’s own personal experience with addiction inform his perspective? And not shying away from controversial topics, we’ll touch upon the use of plant medicine in spiritual journeys. Prepare for an enthralling look into the world of a man who seamlessly fuses martial arts, faith, and resilience.
From the screen glow of an 80’s television showcasing Chinese Kung Fu theater to the vibrant arenas of “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles” and “Mortal Kombat,” Jeff Durbin’s life reads like a reel of adrenaline-packed sequences.
But it wasn’t all triumphant rounds and ninja moves; there were battles far more internal and daunting, fights that transcended the visible world.
You might recognize Jeff from the History Channel’s “The Stoned Ages,” where he took a candid, Christian stance on addiction, or from the documentary film A Storm Comes Rolling Down The Plain. Jeff co-hosts Apologia Radio and Apologia TV, both of which garner followers throughout the U.S. and internationally. (You can find these shows via Apologia Studios). A World Champion martial artist with five black belts, Jeff even appeared as a fighter in MTV’s “The Final Fu.”
Not long after Jeff was married, he began developing a drug addiction that severely strained his marriage. His alcohol and drug consumption grew to surpass all other priorities. This developed into a dependence on ecstasy, which Jeff overused to the point that he had to take several pills at a time to feel anything. Eventually, this led to a near-death experience by overdose.
Sitting in an ice water bathtub to try and cool his overheated body and slow his racing heart, Jeff tried to make a bargain with God to spare him in exchange for being a better person: an impossible promise to make. After recovering, Jeff ignored the promises he made, but the Lord was not done with him yet. A personal financial collapse brought on by his sinful lifestyle led him to the point of utter brokenness. With no way out, Christ was faithful to offer Jeff a place to turn.
Apologia Church, under Jeff’s guidance as pastor and elder, has always asserted that being a church isn’t just about weekly attendance; it’s a way of life, a deep-seated commitment to serving the community and each other. A popular speaker for camps, conferences, churches, and schools across the globe, Jeff worked for many years as a hospital chaplain. He has participated in outreach to various religious organizations nationwide and has even engaged in several moderated public debates. Jeff has been married to his wife, Candi, for over 20 years. They have five children: Sage, Immagin, Saylor, Stellar, and Augustine.
During our discussion, you’ll discover:
-Why does Jeff wear NAD patches?…04:46
-What does Jeff do for health and longevity?…09:39
-How did Jeff get involved with martial arts?…13:36
-Did Jeff ever consider the UFC?…19:00
-How did Jeff become a pastor?…21:21
-Jeff’s life of addiction…31:02
-What is drug and alcohol addiction?…36:44
-Using exercise and fitness to fill the eternal hole in the soul…43:26
-The use of plant medicine to communicate with the Divine…45:35
-Jeff’s stance on the use of cannabis…59:04
Full Show Notes:
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#ufc #bengreenfield #overdose #ecstasy