Usually delivery methods are divided by the onset time and the duration So for example inhalation has one of the fastest onset time but the shortest duration Tinctures usually have an onset of about 45 minutes or so And the duration is about about six hours or so So people will usually like tinctures because they can microdose many times throughout the day if they wish to It’s much more accurate You can actually dose at five milligrams 10 milligrams 20 whatever you want to because of the dropper Edibles because it goes through our gut and also our liver before it hits our bloodstream It takes about an hour and a half to kick in and I’ll stay with us for about eight hours or so So if you want to layer it together usually people would do an edible and then a pen to help them The edible will help them stay asleep and the pen will help them put them to sleep If that’s the case transdermals are patches There’s usually an emulsifier attached to the patch that will say they’ll grab the active ingredient all the way to your blood
#CBDDeliveryMethodsExplained #FastOnsetInhalation PreciseDosingWithTinctures #ExtendedEffectsOfEdibles #LayeringCBDMethods #TransdermalPatchesForConsistentRelease #ChoosingTheRightDeliveryMethod #CustomizingCBDDosing #DurationVersusOnsetOfCBD #EfficientCBDAbsorption #wellez
PART #16 The Ultimate Guide to Cannabis Delivery Methods for Optimal Results