Welcome to part two of ‘We need a new middle-class dream’, section one, where we’ll cover population, emissions, homes and personal transportation. I’ve decided to break this up into smaller sections (and the next will be even shorter) to ensure no one feels overwhelmed by what I’m sharing. If you haven’t watched it already, I lay the case in part one, which you can find here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uCtp5r3L4kY&t=3017s.
The goal of this series is to illustrate the scale of the challenge we face. Looking across multiple industries, tracking growth, as well as the destruction caused by every industry, I am hoping we can all appreciate the size of the problem, which is also part of the solution. We need to massively bring our consumption down in every area if we have any chance of overcoming. The scale of middle-class spending power must be factored into this conversation and the wealthiest must be the first to act.
Come and join the conversation, where we are looking to recruit One Billion People with Uncommon Courage, to come together and drive the changes we need to make. At this point in the game, we are the leaders the world is looking for – let’s lead! Here’s the Facebook Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/onebillionpeoplewithuncommoncourage
#OneBillion #UncommonCourage #ClimateEmergency