imali ke fayde tamarind benefit
#benefit imali
#imlie ke labh
#imliek achapachak
imliek achapachak
Tamarind tree is found all over India. Apart from this, it is found in America, Africa and many Asian countries. Tamarind trees are very big. Tamarind tree starts bearing fruits after 8 years. Tamarind ripens in the months of February and March. Tamarind is added to many things like dal, chutney etc. Since the taste of tamarind is sour, it cleans the mouth. Old tamarind is more beneficial than new tamarind. Vegetable and flower chutney is made from tamarind leaves. Tamarind wood is very strong. For this reason, people also make axes etc. from its wood. Name in different languages: Hindi Imli Gujarati Ambli Marathi Chinch Bengali Tetula Persian Timir Hindi Arabic Tamar Hindi Harmful effects: Raw tamarind is heavy, hot and more sour. Those who do not like tamarind, ripe tamarind may also cause side effects like sourness of teeth, headache and jaw pain, shortness of breath, cough and fever. Quantity: About 6 to 24 grams of tamarind fruit pulp and 1 to 3 grams of seed powder should be taken. Use in various diseases: 1. Bloody piles (hemorrhoids): Making powder of tamarind bark, filtering it in a cloth and consuming it with cow curd in the morning and evening is beneficial. In case of bloody piles, drinking the juice of tamarind leaves is very beneficial. Mixing 1 to 2 grams of ash of tamarind seeds with curd and licking it cures bloody piles. 2. Menorrhagia: Mix 6 grams of tamarind bark ash with about 55 grams of raw kernel and consume it in the morning and evening for 5-6 days. Soak 125 grams tamarind seeds in 250 ml milk. After 3 days, peel them, clean them and grind them. Taking 6 grams of it in the morning and evening with cow’s milk or water cures gonorrhea. 3. Jaundice: Mixing 10 grams of tamarind bark ash with 40 grams of goat urine is beneficial. It is useful to soak tamarind in water, churn it and drink the water. 4. Scorpion venom: Rub roasted tamarind seeds, when its white part is visible, apply it on the place of sting. This seed will suck the poison and fall away on its own. 5. Headache: Soaking tamarind in water and adding some sugar to it and drinking it 2 or 3 times in the morning and evening relieves headache. Soaking 10 grams of tamarind in 1 glass of water, crushing it a little and filtering it, adding sugar to it and drinking it relieves headache caused by bile. Drinking tamarind bark powder or ash mixed with hot water provides relief from headache. 6. On rat poison: Mixing 40 grams tamarind and 20 grams dhamasa in old ghee and eating it for 7 days removes rat poison. 7. Eye pain: Heat green tamarind leaves and castor leaves and extract its juice, then add swollen alum and gram of opium in a copper vessel and soak a cloth in it and keep it in the eyes. This provides relief from eye pain. 8. Indigestion (chronic constipation): Burning the upper bark of tamarind and consuming about 6 grams of it with warm water at bedtime provides relief in indigestion. 9. Loss of appetite: Eating chutney made from tamarind leaves increases appetite. 10. On intoxication of cannabis: Melting tamarind and drinking its water relieves the intoxication of cannabis. 11. Anorexia and bile: Ripe tamarind with more pulp from inside should be put in cold water and sugar should be added to it. After this, add cardamom seeds, cloves, camphor and black pepper to it and rinse it again and again. This cures loss of appetite and bile disease. 12. Constipation and bile: Heat 1 kg tamarind in 2 liters of water for 12 hours. When half the water gets burnt, add 2 kg sugar in it. By making it like a sherbet, drinking 20 grams to 50 grams daily is beneficial for the patient suffering from constipation at night and for the patient suffering from bile as soon as he wakes up in the morning. 13. Indigestion and loss of appetite: Take tamarind as old as a betel nut and put it in 250 ml water in a cast iron vessel and soak it in it. When it melts well, mash it well with your hands and take out its water in another cast iron vessel and then add black salt, cumin and sugar in it and sprinkle asafoetida in ghee. This tamarind water is very tasty and helps in cooking the food. 14. Bile disorders: Take about 1 kg tamarind and soak it in water in a tin vessel at night. Let it soak overnight. On the second day, put the vessel with water on the stove, when it boils well, filter it and make syrup by adding 2 kg of sugar to it. Giving it in quantity of 10-10 grams calms the bile and also stops vomiting. It is called tamarind sherbet.
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imali ke fayde tamarind benefit#benefit imali#imlie ke labh….. 25fayede
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