Cannabis Queen of the Desert: Reina, Las Vegas, Nevada
Reina provides patients in states with medical cannabis programs access to safe, efficacious cannabinoid medicines and cultivates their own cannabis products. Incorporated in 2013 by L.A. entrepreneur Priscilla Vilchis, Premium Produce is a woman-owned company that puts the health and safety of cannabis patients first.
Starting as a small company based in Nevada, Reina has grown into a full-scale medical cannabis cultivator, and has a 25,000 square foot, $6 million cultivation and laboratory facility in Las Vegas.
Powered by Green Cleaner by Central Coast
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Table of Contents
00:00 Opening
00:45 Introduction at Red Rock
01:10 Introducing Priscilla the Hollyweed Queen
02:19 Garrett Leon, Reina Team, and Sushi Wa
06:42 Mother Room Featuring CloneX
08:44 “I’m a big fan of Compound Genetics”
09:31 Vegetation Featuring Green Cleaner & Surna
11:13 Garrett and Dan Discuss Green Cleaner
16:02 Flowering with Advanced Nutrients and Quest
18:04 Common Culture Trellis
18:32 Bane the Guard Dog – Rest in Peace Doggo!
19:07 Drying, Curing, Trimming, and Packaging – Featuring Trim Bins
23:26 Dispensary Visit with Josh of Nevada Made Marijuana
25:35 Closing the Show with the Reina Team
Reina Strains
Banana Sherbet, Black Mamba, Blueberry Cookies, BTY OG (Better Than Yours), Cookies & Cream, GG#4, Green Crack, Kaya’s Koffee, Kosher Kush, Krazy Glue, Lava Cake, Papaya OG, Pineapple Upside Down Cake, Reina Haze, Secret Cookies, Venom OG and Wedding Cake, Orange Crush, Kush Mints, Slurricane, Koolato
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