What conditions are effectively treated with cannabis? Dr. Kat Lopez, MD and Trisha Quick, RN, discuss common medical uses for marijuana and their wish to separate medical from recreational sales.
Paula-Noel Macfie, Ph.D. patient & researcher: http://www.backdoormedicine.org/
Dr. Kat Lopez, MD: http://www.sunnysidecocare.com/
Tricia Quick, RN, Home Health Nurse & Hospice
SmuggleVision is sponsored by: http://smuggleportland.com/
Cannabis Lovers nationwide shop the best of Oregon: https://lovefromoregon.com/
0:11 Cannabis fro Pain
I would say by and far the most common ailment people are looking to treat with cannabis is chronic pain. Especially nerve conditions. The drugs that conventional medicine has for nerve conditions are rather ineffective. You can drug people with nerve pain with large amounts of opioid medications like Vicodin and such, and it doesn’t quite work. Those people become more quickly desperate, and looking for alternative because nerve pain is pretty debilitating.
0:43 Alternatives To Pharmacueticals
Then, the next one would be sleep. People come to realize how extremely important their sleep is, and the range of sedatives that are available have different effects on different people. There are a number of conventional sedatives available beyond cannabis products that could be helpful, and yet often times these people have cycled through lots of different drugs, and had side effects that prevent them from utilizing them, and getting their badly needed sleep, which is one of the cornerstones of caring for your health at all.
1:14 Sleep Alternatives
Yeah. Do you find that in the homes? People say, “I use it for sleep”?
1:16 Finding Peace
Yeah. I also see that they’re addicted to the medications that they have to take. They chronically get anxiety if they cannot have that Ambien or the medication that’s going to help them sleep. Sometimes they ask about cannabis being helpful. Then you go into the dispensary again, and you’re hoping that the Bud Tender can have some knowledge. They generally want to tell you indica, there’s the indica and the sativa, they’ll tell you the indica’s the more sedating, and the more useful when it comes to helping them sleep. There’s that knowledge and crossover, but it’s really just in regards to the flower. I don’t know about the medicinal sides of concentrates, the dabs, and all that, it’s a different story. The oil, that’s the big one. That’s the one we’re all really pro medicinal.
2:08 Medicinal Needs
Yeah, the edible oils. Patricia, when you were saying hopefully the Bud Tender has some education. I think that Bud Tender’s tend to be per hour, lower wage staff that might have a higher turnover. I think they’re not the ideal person for education. My deepest fantasy for all of my little old lady and men patients would be an actual, I guess, medical only dispensary urban portion of a dispensary, where it was set up specifically for medical patients. Did not include candies or chocolates. Only had measurable portions, and had dosing instructions attached or on each package, saying, “If you take point-one milliliter of this oil concentrate by mouth, you will consume five milligrams of THC, and ten milligrams of CBD. Start with one half dose at bed time”.
3:01 Dosing
Just like you would do with your pharmacist.
It would say, “Okay, here’s what you’re getting. Here’s what you need to be aware of”.