Author: Casa Del Loki
Here I show you What Cannabis Capsules are, how they work, made and used. Perfect for the discreet patient, a working one, or like the ease of use. Whatever the case may be, I’m going to give you some good starting blocks.~XD source
Here, I try what some, call the impossible. Bringing a flowered plant back into Veg State, without Hermaphroditic results. If you have had a successfully attempted, at this or F.I.M, and OG gardening, please share~XD source
Newest strains on the Trichome Remedies Menu. Larry OG – Fruity/flower aroma, sweet honey like taste and ringing in at 27.5% THC – 2.13% CBD -Perfect for stress, mild pain and headaches – Indica OG Kush – Earthy organic aroma with hints of sandalwood, a wholesome taste with a real smooth exhale at 26.7% THC – 2.0%CBD she’s a real surprise if you’ve never had this one before. Used for Pain relief, muscle cramping, stress, and appetite. – Indica Iron Lotus – Sugary nectar like Turpin profile, smooth, heavy, thick smoke, this beauty is ascetically pleasing with familiarity to the…