Author: FFM

Our Content Creator Platform hopes to have a focus on creators from bodybuilding, contact sports, nutrition, fitness, martial arts, martial arts actors. The aim is to briong together actors, fans, and all this fitness sector under 1 platform. We wu=ill be sponsering individuals and events to push our name out there and will mainly be using YouTubers to advertise our brand. FFM will also be funding having a hand in directing some old style martial art movies, whats more we will also be casting on the site to fine some actors and actresses for these movies. source

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Our Content Creator Platform hopes to have a focus on creators from bodybuilding, contact sports, nutrition, fitness, martial arts, martial arts actors. The aim is to briong together actors, fans, and all this fitness sector under 1 platform. We wu=ill be sponsering individuals and events to push our name out there and will mainly be using YouTubers to advertise our brand. FFM will also be funding having a hand in directing some old style martial art movies, whats more we will also be casting on the site to fine some actors and actresses for these movies. source

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