Author: GingaSnapZ
As always thank you so much for watching. It means the world to me. Smash the thumbs up with all your heart fam, smoke a bowl 👍 If you would like to help me out with my chicken wing fund (a few groceries) would be so apprciated having difficulties this month. xo 🍗🍗 🐔you can at PAY PAL 😎 It is so greatly appriciated. So lets it back relax Dabs, a bowl, or just plain old smoking it, Lets Enjoy some extreamly medicated , some times funny Streams! Down Below ‘ My Sponsors Links, LIghts and products i Have…
I just joined a platform like you tube but earn cypto currency. and u can synk youtube to it. i have. for free. check it out. u can join through my channel and there are no censorship.$/invite/@GingaSnapZ:5 As always thank you so much for watching. It means the world to me. Mars Hydro TS 1000 LED Grow Light ( dimming function ) Discount code: GingaSZ at ProC02 INSTAGRAM : ENJOY 20% off AT USING THE CODE….. FOR20. Happy harvesting TNB Product link IF INTERESTED IN SUPPORTING ME OR DONATING TO MY MEDICAL GROW FOR SUPPLIES…