Author: Marijuana Moment

[ad_1] “If you want intoxicating cannabinoids, you should visit your local friendly marijuana retailer.” By James Brooks, Alaska Beacon The state of Alaska has approved new regulations on inexpensive cannabis-like products derived from hemp, sometimes referred to as “diet weed.” The new changes mean intoxicating hemp-derived products will have to be regulated by the state’s marijuana control board, an act that will see them removed from vape shops and other unregulated stores across the state. Some nonintoxicating products will also be affected by the changes. So-called “full-spectrum” hemp products intended to help with epilepsy and pain include a variety of…

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[ad_1] “I don’t know what the endgame is, except to file to the end of time.” By Alander Rocha, Alabama Reflector A medical cannabis company embroiled in litigation with the Alabama Medical Cannabis Commission (AMCC) Friday filed a new motion for a preliminary injunction and a temporary restraining order, ahead of an AMCC meeting on Thursday. Alabama Always, which sued the commission in June and August over alleged procedural inconsistencies and in July over the appointment of former chair Steven Stokes, alleged in the new filing that AMCC “repeatedly violated the [Alabama Administrative Procedure Act].” The suit alleges that the…

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[ad_1] “It’s time that we pass legislation that decriminalizes cannabis, removes existing felonies and establishes a regulated market.” By Indiana Rep. Blake Johnson (D) Across the country, states—including most of our neighbors—have realized the benefits of cannabis legalization, yet Indiana has continued to ignore them—a fact that has us falling far behind in our competition for resources and talent. The production and sale of cannabis is a big business. In states where cannabis has been legalized, states have brought in hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue, providing additional resources for schools, public health, infrastructure and other critical needs. The Statehouse…

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[ad_1] “If a licensee wishes to voluntarily destroy product on hold, they should contact the department to discuss.” By Rebecca Rivas, Missouri Independent Companies around Missouri have been required to store nearly 63,000 recalled cannabis products since early August. But if they want to destroy that product, they can now consult with state cannabis regulators about how to do it, after a September 29 hearing on the recall was postponed until at least December. Licensed cannabis businesses may not take action on the recalled product without permission for the state, said Lisa Cox, spokeswoman for the agency that oversees the…

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[ad_1] “At this point, there really isn’t much of any way you could call it a social equity program, because most of the social equity qualified applicants have been bought out or pushed out of the licenses that they made possible.” By Natasha Yee, Arizona Center for Investigative Reporting This story was originally published by the Arizona Center for Investigative Reporting. As Arizona’s remaining social equity license holders scramble to open marijuana dispensaries before a looming October deadline, private investors and major cannabis corporations have continued to wrest control away from the individuals the program was designed to benefit. In…

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[ad_1] “Our senior populations use it for chronic pain, veterans use it for post-traumatic stress, people who have cancer use it as they go through chemo. There’s all sorts of uses for it.” By Jayme Lozano Carver, The Texas Tribune Giselle Ramirez left work on a recent Tuesday afternoon and went straight to the north side of town. For more than three hours in 97 degree heat, she asked grocery shoppers to help her decriminalize marijuana. Ramirez is volunteering for Lubbock Compact, a local advocacy group working on the cause. The group picked that grocery store location specifically—they say most…

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[ad_1] “Unless Congress acts, the Biden administration’s plan to merely reschedule marijuana is likely to supercharge the rise of national cannabis conglomerates while strangling local community-scale businesses.” By Bruce Barcott and Shaleen Title The SAFE(R) Banking Act vote and the Biden administration’s review of the federal status of marijuana have garnered headlines and applause from many drug reform advocates and cannabis industry leaders. But without congressional action to protect small businesses, federal marijuana reform threatens to give an unfair advantage to a handful of national corporations while hobbling thousands of local farmers and neighborhood shopkeepers. Under current law, state-licensed marijuana…

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[ad_1] “None of these numbers are lining up. None of the labs are adding up. We have no idea where the extra volume is coming from.” By Darrell Ehrlick, Daily Montanan One of Montana’s few in-state laboratories that had participated in the rollout of the recreational and medical marijuana programs said that it has closed its doors, largely based on concerns the owners have with scientific accuracy of testing the formerly banned substance. Stillwater Laboratories owners Ron and Kristine Brost said they’re concerned that a software program the state uses may inadvertently approve large lots of marijuana without complying with…

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[ad_1] The main questions addressed on Friday will be: Was there a credible threat to public health? And should Delta’s suspension be lifted now that potentially dangerous products are pulled from the shelves? By Rebecca Rivas, Missouri Independent Recalls on cannabis products have become common in other states where marijuana is legal. But when Missouri regulators issued their first recall last month, veterans of the industry were surprised. While recalls most commonly involve a company cooperating with regulators to understand the issue—was there bacteria in the product, or perhaps a wrong label—that was not the case in Missouri. Products were…

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[ad_1] “I think with the biometrics, it’s just a matter of time before it’s coming in,” By TJ Martinell, The Center Square The Washington State legislature may consider legislation giving the State Liquor and Cannabis Board further rulemaking authority regarding the use of biometric age verification by private entities selling alcohol or cannabis products. “I think with the biometrics, it’s just a matter of time before it’s coming in,” Director of Policy and External Affairs Justin Nordhorn told the Senate Labor & Commerce Committee at its Monday meeting. “How we do that is important.” Biometric age verification is a process by…

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[ad_1] “Making sure Nebraskans can move on from past mistakes and are fully able to find good jobs is one of the most effective anti-recidivism tools, and is critical for our shared public safety goals.” By Paul Hammel, Nebraska Examiner A trio of state senators renewed their call Tuesday for the State Board of Pardons to adopt a “streamlined” process for people to be forgiven for minor marijuana convictions that do not involve violence. In a letter, State Sens. Danielle Conrad of Lincoln, and Terrell McKinney and Justin Wayne, both of Omaha, said that a “second chance” should be afforded…

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[ad_1] “Virginia’s new hemp law is a harmful piece of legislation that will devastate small businesses, interstate hemp commerce, and patient access and care.” By Travis Lane, Northern Virginia Hemp and Agriculture. It’s not every day you find yourself suing a state in federal court alongside your grandmother. But we’re doing it in Virginia to defend the burgeoning hemp industry and those who rely on it, and our first hearing in the case is coming up on Friday. On July 1, SB 903 went into effect, tying the hands of thousands of Virginia residents who rely on hemp for their…

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