Author: Patients Out of Time

April 3, 2008 – Speaking to the Fifth Conference on Cannabis Therapeutics, disabled U.S. Air Force veteran and chronic pain patient Michael Krawitz is one of many veterans who find relief from physical and psychological symptoms with medical Cannabis (marijuana). However, new “pain contracts” disqualify patients from recieving opiate pain medicines if they test positive for marijuana. As science now proves, patients can lessen their need for narcotic pain relievers, notorously hard on the body and mind, by using Cannabis as an adjunct medicine. Conference hosted by Patients Out of Time. DVDs are available. source

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Dr.Donald Abrams, UC Center for Medicinal Cannabis Research, describes trial to determine if smoked Cannabis is effective for neuropathic pain in HIV patients. From 2004 Cannabis Therapeutics Conference, hosted by Patients Out of Time. DVDs are available. Note: Feburary 2007 study results in journal Neurology: Medical Cannabis is safe and effective for peripheral neuropathy; narcotic medicines have little effect: source

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In the conclusion of his study on smoked Cannabis (marijuana) in Pain and Palliative Care”, Donald Abrams, MD, UCSF School of Integrative Medicine, presents his findings to the Fourth Clinical Conference on Cannabis Therapeutics, Santa Barbara, CA – April, 2006. Dr. Abram’s study was published in Feburary of 2007, as “Cannabis in Painful HIV-associated Sensory Neuropathy”, in the Journal of the American Academy of Neurology: Conclusion: Smoked cannabis was well tolerated and effectively relieved chronic neuropathic pain from HIV-associated sensory neuropathy. The findings are comparable to oral drugs used for chronic neuropathic pain. Conference hosted by Patients Out of…

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Introducing his study on smoked Cannabis (marijuana) in Pain and Palliative Care”, Donald Abrams, MD, UCSF School of Integrative Medicine, presents methodology to the Fourth Clinical Conference on Cannabis Therapeutics, Santa Barbara, CA – April, 2006. Dr. Abram’s study was published in Feburary of 2007, as “Cannabis in Painful HIV-associated Sensory Neuropathy”, in the Journal of the American Academy of Neurology: Conclusion: Smoked cannabis was well tolerated and effectively relieved chronic neuropathic pain from HIV-associated sensory neuropathy. The findings are comparable to oral drugs used for chronic neuropathic pain. Conference hosted by Patients Out of Time source

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July, 2008 – Buddy, an 86 year old man suffering from chronic neuropathy of the feet expresses the excruciating pain, ineffective narcotic medications with side-effects like constipation, and the realization that medical cannabis (marijuana) could help relieve his pain. His own doctor told him that cannabis would help, having certainly read Dr. Donald Abram’s study, “Cannabis in Painful HIV-associated Sensory Neuropathy”, published in February, 2007, that proved cannabis as effective for neuropathic pain as conventional, opiate-type medications – This video features sections of Dr. Abrams presentation of his findings, at the 2006 Cannabis Therapeutics Conference, in Santa Barbara, CA,…

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