Author: Susan Gunelius

[ad_1] By Susan Gunelius Email marketing is critical for every cannabis business since so many advertising channels are not accessible to businesses working in and with the cannabis industry. However, sending one generic sales message after another is unlikely to drive the results you want and need. One of the best ways to improve your email marketing results is to send the best content to each person on your list – content that is personalized to them. Here’s how to do it using your email marketing platform. Leveraging Personalization and Dynamic Content in Email Marketing Your goal should always be…

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[ad_1] There are three primary ways that brands can use social media platforms for marketing: organic posts, shared posts, and paid posts. With paid posts still off limits to most businesses operating in and with the cannabis industry, cannabis brands can only use organic and shared social media posts for direct and indirect marketing. Yes, that means cannabis brands are at a significant disadvantage, but if you know the right secrets, you can get excellent social media results without paid posts. Don’t Do the Social Media Activities that Consumers Dislike from Brands According to The Social Media Consumer Report from…

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[ad_1] By Susan Gunelius Google rolled out new email marketing rules designed to keep unwanted bulk email messages out of users’ Gmail inboxes. Cannabis businesses that don’t comply will see their rejection rate skyrocket and their deliverability plummet. In other words, a lot of the email marketing messages you send may not make it to people’s inboxes if you don’t comply with the new rules. But that’s not all. Your future email deliverability could tank as well because Google warns the rejection rate will increase over time. Before you start thinking email marketing is dead, there are several steps you…

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[ad_1] Influencer marketing works, and for cannabis brands, it’s an essential marketing investment. Word-of-mouth marketing has always been powerful, so it makes sense that consumers listen to the advice and insights shared by the influencers they trust. Trust is the key word here. Historically, consumers have been very clear that they don’t trust many brands, but they do trust other people. With that in mind, it’s not surprising that marketers spent an estimated $26.09 billion on influencer marketing in 2023. Fortunately, cannabis brands don’t have to spend billions of dollars to generate measurable returns on influencer marketing. The key to…

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[ad_1] Many brands operating in and with the cannabis industry have had great success with text message marketing when they follow the laws and wireless carrier rules. For example, did you know businesses are only allowed to send marketing messages via text between 8:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m. in the recipient’s time zone? There are a number of established laws that tell you what you can and cannot do with SMS marketing, some of which are discussed below. However, both laws and carrier rules can change. If you don’t keep up and comply, you could face hefty fines, and carriers…

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[ad_1] Is your business-to-consumer (B2C) or business-to-business (B2B) cannabis brand investing time and money into social media marketing but still following outdated tricks and practices? If you publish more content about your brand than any other type of content, then the answer to that question is yes – and you need to make some changes quickly if you want to succeed in social media in the new year. Since social media platforms debuted, their purpose has never been to be a broadcasting tool, yet brands in all industries continue to use them as such. Turns out, they’re wasting a lot…

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[ad_1] A proven method for cannabis brands to build their business-to-business (B2B) email marketing lists is to offer something for free. This type of freebie is referred to as a lead magnet. The goal is to offer a freebie that attracts (like a magnet) the prospects you want to bring into your marketing funnel. The process is simple. You create something that your target audience would find value in – something they’d be willing to give you their email addresses in order to get it. Next, you promote it through your chosen marketing channels. To access the freebie, prospects have…

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[ad_1] All cannabis businesses and ancillary businesses that invest in influencer and affiliate advertising programs to promote their brands, products, and services are required to ensure their influencers and affiliates follow the Federal Trade Commission’s (FTC) related advertising and endorsement disclosure guidelines. Fines can be hefty, so it’s important to know the rules and monitor your influencer and affiliate partners. In June 2023, the FTC updated its advertising and endorsement disclosure rules, which can be found in the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). You can download the updated, applicable section of the CFR here: 16 CFR Part 255: Guides Concerning…

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[ad_1] The biggest opportunities for cannabis businesses to improve digital experiences in 2023 that lead to increased revenue focus on fixing what’s broken on their websites. This applies to both B2C and B2B businesses, and data from Contentsquare’s 2023 Digital Experience Benchmark Report provides a blueprint for how cannabis and ancillary businesses can get started. 3 Critical Website Performance Factors That Lead to More Conversions and Higher Revenue Contentsquare’s research zeroes in on the most important digital key performance indicators (KPIs) that drive growth and how those KPIs affect the digital experience for consumers and consumer happiness. The researchers analyzed…

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[ad_1] By Susan Gunelius For cannabis brands, email marketing is essential, but it’s hard to stand out in the inbox when so many other B2C and B2B cannabis companies are investing large amounts of time, resources, and money into email marketing. Today, the best way to get noticed in the inbox for the right reasons is by delivering meaningful content that recipients actually want. But that’s not the only way. You can also add interactive elements to your email marketing messages to boost engagement with your content. Increased engagement not only helps improve conversions, but it also helps keep your…

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