Author: Tammi Morrison

Jean Border is an interview that did not disappoint. She is so passionate about what she does, and it shows. Here is a little about her: Jean Border lived with debilitating migraines for decades. Her search for relief from pain took her on a winding road filled with medication but no cure. Until one day she discovered something new. Now she lives pain free, and helps others understand the source of their pain. As a Certified Body Code and Emotion Code Practitioner (CBCP, CECP), Jean utilizes gentle techniques to help you rid yourself of emotional baggage that may be negatively…

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I had such a pleasure interviewing this amazing soul, Jamie London Wollberg. You don’t want to miss this one! Here is a little bit about him: Humxn. Healer. Entrepreneur. Activist. As a New York to LA transplant, Jamie London Wollberg is a queer differently-able transgender man who live to fulfill his purpose of helping others cultivate unconditional self-love. He believes this is the key to an unconditional love around the world. He actualizes this through several businesses, predominantly in the cannabis wellness and lifestyle space to bring education from a unique medical patient perspective, as well as bridge the gap…

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