Editor and producer’s commentary: It has been a long ride down the road of this world’s much needed activism and our fight for equal human rights. Never did we think that we would go from speaking out against global corruption all the way down to personal medical freedom. The fight for our minds to be free is something that parallels our fights for our soverignty over our own bodies. We came from a long history as a species that connected with mother earth through physical spiritually to the now industrial technological separation of her. We have yet to evolve into…

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Here we are with the latest creations from The Truth Pharmacy Productions straight to The Liberty Beacon Project which supports our current sponsor Cannasense that is in the fight for our medical right to cannabis and cannabis products. This TV show is called Cannabis Cooking Cuisines and is a Truth Pharmacy community media project that will be featuring cooking from more than one host as the show goes on. For now we have the well known family rights activist Jamie “Starr” Johnson featured in this pilot. She is fun and quirky bringing much personality to this new genre source

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